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Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s.

Kosice, Slovakia
Cancer treatment center in Košice
Rastislavova 43, 040 01 Juh

About Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s.

"Východoslovenský onkologický ústav Košice vznikol 1.7.2003 a dňa 20.2.2006 sa transformoval na akciovú spoločnosť s názvom Východoslovenský onkologický ústav, a.s.. Jeho poslaním je predovšetkým poskytovať komplexnú ambulantnú a ústavnú zdravotnú starostlivosť pacientom s onkologickým ochorením – diagnostika, liečba a dispenzárna starostlivosť o onkologických pacientov. V ústavnej starostlivosti zabezpečuje onkologickú, onko-otorinolaryngologickú, onko-gynekologickú starostlivosť, komplexnú protinádorovú liečbu – radiačnú a chemoterapeutickú liečbu. Okrem iného zabezpečuje teoretickú i praktickú časť výučby žiakov stredných zdravotníckych škôl, teoretickú i praktickú časť vysokoškolského vzdelávania v zdravotníckych povolaniach."
  • Top Sponsors
  • Top Collaborators
  • Trials By Phase
  • Recruitment Status
  • Top Conditions
  • Intervention Types
  • Top Intervention Names
  • Trials By Gender
Lead Sponsor
# Trials
Hoffmann-La Roche
Arcus Biosciences, Inc.
Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V., Belgium
Jounce Therapeutics, Inc.
Smartfish AS
Total Rows: 7

Clinical Trials at Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s.

During the past decade, Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s. conducted 12 clinical trials. In the 10-year time frame, 12 clinical trials started and 9 clinical trials were completed, i.e. on average, 75% percent of trials that started reached the finish line to date. In the past 5 years, 8 clinical trials started and 2 clinical trials were completed. i.e. 25% of trials that started reached the finish line.
Created with Highcharts 11.1.0TrialsTrials Trend - Last 10 Years22220000003344110000442211110011Started TrialsCompleted Trails201520162017201820192020202120220246
Trials List
Trail ID
Brief Title
Start Date
Completion Date
A Study to Compare Subcutaneous (SC) Versus Intravenous (IV) Administration of Herceptin (Trastuzumab) in Women With Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (HER) 2-Positive Early Breast Cancer
A Study of Bevacizumab in Combination With Standard of Care Treatment in Participants With Advanced Non-squamous Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
A Safety and Tolerability Study of Assisted and Self-Administered Subcutaneous (SC) Herceptin (Trastuzumab) as Adjuvant Therapy in Early Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER2)-Positive Breast Cancer
An Extension Study to Provide Continued Bevacizumab Therapy to Participants With Solid Tumors Who Were Previously Enrolled in a Roche/Genentech Sponsored Study
Safety and Efficacy Study of Enzalutamide in Patients With Nonmetastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Active, not recruiting
A Study Of PF-05280014 Or Trastuzumab Plus Taxotere® And Carboplatin In HER2 Positive Breast Cancer In The Neoadjuvant Setting (REFLECTIONS B327-04)
Safety and Efficacy Study of Enzalutamide Plus Leuprolide in Patients With Nonmetastatic Prostate Cancer (EMBARK)
Active, not recruiting
Pilot Study of Safety and Tolerability of Nutrifriend Cachexia in NSCLC Cachexia

Rows per page:

1–19 of 19

Clinical Trials Sponsors and Collaborators

Out of the total clinical trials conducted in "Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s." #1 sponsor was "Hoffmann-La Roche" with 7 trials, followed by "Pfizer" with 7 trials sponsored, "Arcus Biosciences, Inc." with 1 trials sponsored, "Ferring Pharmaceuticals" with 1 trials sponsored and "Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V., Belgium" with 1 trials sponsored. Other sponsors include -3 different institutions and companies that sponsored additional 7 trials in total.
In terms of collaborators to trials, out of the total clinical trials conducted in "Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s." #1 collaborator was "Astellas Pharma Inc" with 3 trials as a collaborator, "Eli Lilly and Company" with 2 trials as a collaborator, "Medivation LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Pfizer Inc." with 2 trials as a collaborator, "Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany" with 2 trials as a collaborator and "Duke Clinical Research Institute" with 1 trials as a collaborator. Other collaborators include -1 different institutions and companies that were collaborators in the rest 9 trials.
Created with Highcharts 11.1.0Top Leading SponsorsHoffmann-La Roche: 7Hoffmann-La Roche: 7Pfizer: 7Pfizer: 7Arcus Biosciences, Inc.: 1Arcus Biosciences, Inc.: 1Ferring Pharmaceuticals: 1Ferring Pharmaceuticals: 1Janssen PharmaceuticaN.V., Belgium: 1Janssen PharmaceuticaN.V., Belgium: 1Jounce Therapeutics, Inc.: 1Jounce Therapeutics, Inc.: 1Smartfish AS: 1Smartfish AS: 1

Created with Highcharts 11.1.0Top CollaboratorsAstellas Pharma Inc: 3Astellas Pharma Inc: 3Eli Lilly and Company: 2Eli Lilly and Company: 2Medivation LLC, awholly ownedsubsidiary of Pfizer Inc.:2Medivation LLC, awholly ownedsubsidiary of Pfizer Inc.:2Merck KGaA,Darmstadt, Germany: 2Merck KGaA,Darmstadt, Germany: 2Duke Clinical ResearchInstitute: 1Duke Clinical ResearchInstitute: 1Gilead Sciences: 1Gilead Sciences: 1Memorial SloanKettering CancerCenter: 1Memorial SloanKettering CancerCenter: 1Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC: 1Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC: 1Ono Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd: 1Ono Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd: 1

Clinical Trials Conditions at Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s.

According to Clinical.Site data, the most researched conditions in "Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s." are "Prostate Cancer" (4 trials), "Cancer of the Prostate" (2 trials), "Early Breast Cancer" (2 trials), "NSCLC" (2 trials) and "Neoplasms" (2 trials). Many other conditions were trialed in "Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s." in a lesser frequency.

Clinical Trials Intervention Types at Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s.

Most popular intervention types in "Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s." are "Drug" (18 trials), "Biological" (2 trials), "Dietary Supplement" (1 trials) and "Radiation" (1 trials). Other intervention types were less common.
The name of intervention was led by "Bevacizumab" (3 trials), "Docetaxel" (3 trials), "Pemetrexed" (3 trials), "Cetuximab" (2 trials) and "Encorafenib" (2 trials). Other intervention names were less common.

Clinical Trials Genders at Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s.

The vast majority of trials in "Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s." are 11 trials for "All" genders, 5 trials for "Male" genders and 3 trials for "Female" genders.

Clinical Trials Status at Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s.

Currently, there are NaN active trials in "Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s.". undefined are not yet recruiting, 6 are recruiting, 4 are Active, not recruiting, and undefined are Enrolling by invitation. In total, there were 7 completed trials in Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s., undefined suspended trials, and 2 terminated clinical trials to date.
Out of the total trials that were conducted in Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s., 0 "Phase 1" clinical trials were conducted, 2 "Phase 2" clinical trials and 15 "Phase 3" clinical trials were conducted as well. "Phase 4" trials included 1 trials, and there were also 1 trials that are defined as “Not Applicable".
Created with Highcharts 11.1.0Trials By PhasePhase 3: 15Phase 3: 15Phase 2: 2Phase 2: 2Not Applicable: 1Not Applicable: 1Phase 4: 1Phase 4: 1

Created with Highcharts 11.1.0Trials StatusCompleted: 7Completed: 7Recruiting: 6Recruiting: 6Active, not recruiting: 4Active, not recruiting: 4Terminated: 2Terminated: 2

Departments of Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s.

Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav, a.s. has several departments that took part in Clinical trials: "Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav Oddelenie klinickej onkologie" - 2 trials
Departments List
Total Rows: 1