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Utano Hospital

Kyoto, Japan

About Utano Hospital

独立行政法人国立病院機構宇多野病院は、京都府京都市右京区にある医療機関。独立行政法人国立病院機構が運営する病院である。旧国立療養所宇多野病院。 政策医療分野における神経・筋疾患の基幹医療施設、免疫異常の専門医療施設であり、骨・運動器疾患、長寿医療、国際医療協力、循環器病も手がける。
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  • Top Intervention Names
  • Trials By Gender

Clinical Trials at Utano Hospital

During the past decade, Utano Hospital conducted 2 clinical trials. In the 10-year time frame, 2 clinical trials started and 2 clinical trials were completed, i.e. on average, 100% percent of trials that started reached the finish line to date. In the past 5 years, 0 clinical trials started and 2 clinical trials were completed. i.e. 0% of trials that started reached the finish line.

Clinical Trials Sponsors and Collaborators

In terms of collaborators to trials, out of the total clinical trials conducted in "Utano Hospital" #1 collaborator was "Eli Lilly and Company" with 2 trials as a collaborator. Other collaborators include -1 different institutions and companies that were collaborators in the rest 1 trials.

Clinical Trials Conditions at Utano Hospital

According to Clinical.Site data, the most researched conditions in "Utano Hospital" are "Alzheimer's Disease" (1 trials) and "Alzheimer´s Disease" (1 trials). Many other conditions were trialed in "Utano Hospital" in a lesser frequency.

Clinical Trials Intervention Types at Utano Hospital

Most popular intervention types in "Utano Hospital" are "Drug" (2 trials). Other intervention types were less common.
The name of intervention was led by "Lanabecestat" (2 trials) and "Placebo" (1 trials). Other intervention names were less common.

Clinical Trials Genders at Utano Hospital

The vast majority of trials in "Utano Hospital" are 2 trials for "All" genders.

Clinical Trials Status at Utano Hospital

Currently, there are NaN active trials in "Utano Hospital". undefined are not yet recruiting, undefined are recruiting, undefined are Active, not recruiting, and undefined are Enrolling by invitation. In total, there were undefined completed trials in Utano Hospital, undefined suspended trials, and 2 terminated clinical trials to date.
Out of the total trials that were conducted in Utano Hospital, 0 "Phase 1" clinical trials were conducted, 1 "Phase 2" clinical trials and 2 "Phase 3" clinical trials were conducted as well. "Phase 4" trials included 0 trials, and there were also 0 trials that are defined as “Not Applicable".