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Mayo Clinic in Arizona

Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Medical clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona
13400 E Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85259

About Mayo Clinic in Arizona

"Even in this time of uncertainty, Mayo Clinic is a place for hope and healing — and we're delivering the care you need. Mayo Clinic follows carefully designed, rigorously enforced safety precautions for anyone who needs face-to-face care. We're safely treating all patients, both in person and through virtual visits, in adherence with federal and state executive orders and guidance. Mayo Clinic provides expert care to everyone who needs healing. That means combining our comprehensive, integrated care with a seamless patient experience to provide exactly the care you need. The Mayo Clinic Building in Scottsdale has been designed with interior spaces that include multiple areas to relax between appointments or wait for loved ones."
  • Top Sponsors
  • Top Collaborators
  • Trials By Phase
  • Recruitment Status
  • Top Conditions
  • Intervention Types
  • Top Intervention Names
  • Trials By Gender

Clinical Trials at Mayo Clinic in Arizona

During the past decade, Mayo Clinic in Arizona conducted 746 clinical trials. In the 10-year time frame, 746 clinical trials started and 432 clinical trials were completed, i.e. on average, 57.9% percent of trials that started reached the finish line to date. In the past 5 years, 344 clinical trials started and 213 clinical trials were completed. i.e. 61.9% of trials that started reached the finish line.

Clinical Trials Sponsors and Collaborators

Out of the total clinical trials conducted in "Mayo Clinic in Arizona" #1 sponsor was "Mayo Clinic" with 353 trials, followed by "National Cancer Institute (NCI)" with 127 trials sponsored, "Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology" with 90 trials sponsored, "Celgene" with 25 trials sponsored and "Academic and Community Cancer Research United" with 25 trials sponsored. Other sponsors include 743 different institutions and companies that sponsored additional 406 trials in total.
In terms of collaborators to trials, out of the total clinical trials conducted in "Mayo Clinic in Arizona" #1 collaborator was "National Cancer Institute (NCI)" with 306 trials as a collaborator, "NRG Oncology" with 25 trials as a collaborator, "Mayo Clinic" with 22 trials as a collaborator, "Arizona State University" with 19 trials as a collaborator and "National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)" with 14 trials as a collaborator. Other collaborators include 559 different institutions and companies that were collaborators in the rest 340 trials.

Clinical Trials Conditions at Mayo Clinic in Arizona

According to Clinical.Site data, the most researched conditions in "Mayo Clinic in Arizona" are "Breast Cancer" (55 trials), "Multiple Myeloma" (42 trials), "Colorectal Cancer" (28 trials), "Lung Cancer" (26 trials) and "Lymphoma" (22 trials). Many other conditions were trialed in "Mayo Clinic in Arizona" in a lesser frequency.

Clinical Trials Intervention Types at Mayo Clinic in Arizona

Most popular intervention types in "Mayo Clinic in Arizona" are "Drug" (910 trials), "Other" (372 trials), "Biological" (216 trials), "Procedure" (151 trials) and "Device" (108 trials). Other intervention types were less common.
The name of intervention was led by "Placebo" (146 trials), "Laboratory Biomarker Analysis" (113 trials), "Quality-of-Life Assessment" (72 trials), "Questionnaire Administration" (45 trials) and "placebo" (40 trials). Other intervention names were less common.

Clinical Trials Genders at Mayo Clinic in Arizona

The vast majority of trials in "Mayo Clinic in Arizona" are 1232 trials for "All" genders, 97 trials for "Female" genders and 37 trials for "Male" genders.

Clinical Trials Status at Mayo Clinic in Arizona

Currently, there are 480 active trials in "Mayo Clinic in Arizona". 7 are not yet recruiting, 228 are recruiting, 227 are Active, not recruiting, and 18 are Enrolling by invitation. In total, there were 692 completed trials in Mayo Clinic in Arizona, 5 suspended trials, and 145 terminated clinical trials to date.
Out of the total trials that were conducted in Mayo Clinic in Arizona, 240 "Phase 1" clinical trials were conducted, 541 "Phase 2" clinical trials and 324 "Phase 3" clinical trials were conducted as well. "Phase 4" trials included 28 trials, and there were also 207 trials that are defined as “Not Applicable".