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University Hospital of CologneUniversity Hospital of Cologne
Medizinische Universitaetsklinik I at the University of CologneMedizinische Universitaetsklinik I at the University of Cologne
University of CologneUniversity of Cologne
1st Dept. of Medicine, Cologne University Hospital1st Dept. of Medicine, Cologne University Hospital
Praxis Fuer Haematologie Internistische OnkologiePraxis Fuer Haematologie Internistische Onkologie
Children's HospitalChildren's Hospital
German CLL Study GroupGerman CLL Study Group
University Eye Hospital, University of CologneUniversity Eye Hospital, University of Cologne
University of Cologne, Department of General, Visceral and Cancer SurgeryUniversity of Cologne, Department of General, Visceral and Cancer Surgery
German Aerospace Center (DLR)German Aerospace Center (DLR)
St. Franziskus-HospitalSt. Franziskus-Hospital
University of Cologne, Dept. of Psychiatry and PsychotherapyUniversity of Cologne, Dept. of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
CF Zentrum Köln, Universitätskrankenhaus KölnCF Zentrum Köln, Universitätskrankenhaus Köln
Evangelisches Klinikum Koeln WeyertalEvangelisches Klinikum Koeln Weyertal
Department of electrophysiology, Heart Center Cologne, University of CologneDepartment of electrophysiology, Heart Center Cologne, University of Cologne
Kliniken der Stadt Koeln gGmbH - Krankenhaus HolweideKliniken der Stadt Koeln gGmbH - Krankenhaus Holweide
Clinic for orthopedics, trauma surgery and sports traumatology, hospital Cologne MerheimClinic for orthopedics, trauma surgery and sports traumatology, hospital Cologne Merheim