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Yunnan Cancer HospitalYunnan Cancer Hospital
The First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical UniversityThe First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University
The First People's Hospital of Yunnan ProvinceThe First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical UniversityThe Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University
Fuwai Yunnan Cardiovascular HospitalFuwai Yunnan Cardiovascular Hospital
Yan'an Hospital of Kunming CityYan'an Hospital of Kunming City
Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineYunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Kunming Children's HospitalKunming Children's Hospital
Institute of Medical Biology -Chinese Academy of Medical SciencesInstitute of Medical Biology -Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
Kunming Tongren HospitalKunming Tongren Hospital
Yunnan Maternal And Child Health Care HospitalYunnan Maternal And Child Health Care Hospital
the Yunnan Hospital of Infectious Diseasesthe Yunnan Hospital of Infectious Diseases
The Tumor Hospital of Yunnan ProvinceThe Tumor Hospital of Yunnan Province
Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan UniversityAffiliated Hospital of Yunnan University
Kunming Medical UniversityKunming Medical University