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A Free Tool to Find
Clinical Site Locations
Based on Real-Time Data

Clinical.Site compiles real-time clinical trial data, providing a comprehensive database of relevant studies and trial facilities from across the globe.

Search results are summarized by sponsors, collaborators, trial phase, medical condition, intervention type, or intervention name, allowing easy and cost-effective access to clinical trial site locations and data from across the globe.

Clinical.Site was established in 2021 to help researchers and institutions search for comprehensive clinical site location data. Our platform is free to use, allowing users to search by site name, trial phase, conditions or diseases, collaborators, sponsors, geographical location, and/or time frame.

When selecting a location for a clinical trial, it’s important to consider sites with access to a representative target population. This ensures the trial results can be applied to the same people receiving treatment.

Choosing a suitable clinical site is crucial to the validity and reliability of results.

The clinical site should have access to medical professionals with the necessary expertise to conduct the trial, including knowledge of the studied disease and clinical research experience. Moreover, the location should meet all regulatory requirements, ethical and legal standards, and patient safety/well-being.

The Clinical.Site platform simplifies the complex task of finding a clinical trial site using our innovative technological tools without the need for extensive professional networks or previous personal connections.

Go to Clinical.Site’s Advanced Search
Meet The Team
Yonatan  Stern
Yonatan Stern
Over the past three decades, Yonatan has co-founded and managed eight successful tech companies, including ZoomInfo and CardScan.

After leading his companies to cumulative exits of a billion dollars, Yonatan was inspired to formulate a methodology that guides other entrepreneurs in building profitable companies.

Yonatan has both a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the Technion and holds six registered patents. After completing his B.Sc., Yonatan enlisted in Unit 8200 in the IDF, where he rose to the rank of Major and received the Israeli Defense Prize.
Libby Molad 
Libby Molad
Ayala  Turgeman 
Ayala Turgeman
Alex  Yermakov 
Alex Yermakov
Software Architect
Batya  Feldman 
Batya Feldman
Research & Content
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Contact Us

The Clinical.Site team is standing by to make your clinical site location search more efficient and cost-effective.